2nd july
finished our last paper-introduction to law
we all competing see who can copy more in the exam hall
coz its open book
after the paper
we went to one u and sunway pyramid

leehee n i while trying the short pant in hangteng
its cheap
juz rm 23 i think
but i didnt buy
the night itself
lubing them came to find us to discuss about the course in unisa
maojie so pro
like from dungun come kl yam cha
didnt bring anything also
after lu bing them back
we chat here n there until 2am sumthg juz slp
then 5.30am wake up prepare ourself to GENTING HIGHLAND
ngieng zaclan = ah lan kia
who very pity rushing for his assignment while all of us went to sleep

see he so serious doing the assignment which due on fri

this is the place for ap kia sleep
pity 2 of them
the next morning which is 3rd july-friday
we woke up damn early to prepare ourself
we depart from house around 7.15am

looks like selling myvi
we reached genting around 8am
then we went to eat breakfast at old town

before go in theme park
here is the group pic
but ah lan kia spoilt the pic..see his face so yong sui
we planned to play some game that not very 'chi ji' 1st
we passed by pirates train then we chosed that

this game is really very the INTERESTING la
go have a try when u go theme park
its a MUST TRY game

group pic except greg who is the cameraman
he cant play this game becoz overweight

this 2 guys like to gay together
dunno y
but ap kia...its really girlish wif the flower
u got the potential to become girl

wat pose also got when we played this game
damn funny la

4 of them in 1 boat at indoor theme park

heehee's converse and my new bought everlast shoes..
after lunch we went to play bowling

wah..greg bowling style so man lo~ hahaha

see this ss= jin shen ku .....sure go long kang de la

ah lan kia keep on complaint that he dunno how to play

see his pro style..but go into longkang also...wakakakkaka
after bowling
we went to play xxx dunno wat name

ahlan kia said he wish to play so much
y u all halang him?


ap kia cicak style

giving some advise before go up

this pro cicak man~ can go act movie lo

ah lan kia so cacat la

see...ah wong...cacak also..wakakkaka

me...i knw cacak too

group pic except la ba ku n jin shen ku



wong n meeeeee

heeee n meeeee

wong n heeeeeeee

greg n mee

greg n ah lan kia

wong n greg

heee n greg

heee n ahlan kia

ah lan kia n meeeee

ah lan kia n ah wong...hair so messy lo wong wong

he keep on asked us take his solo pic...beh tahan ah~

we like this pic very much~ hahahaha

cucuk ppl hidung...haiz..pity the girl

sangat miang la
kiss ppl pula

after camwhoring
we decide to go play bumper car again
its really excited when all of us bump together

omg..ah wong
wat so surprise?? haha
bumper car there many ppl queue up
so we give up n cam whore again

take 2

take 3

ss n meeee

heeeeee n ss

we very busy view the photo that we took~ haha

wat so interesting there??

shuz n ssssssss

ah lan kia solo pose again~ hahahhaa
so handsome mo~ waakakakakka

emo pose of our big bose greg
he brought us alot of hapiness in genting
though some time he abit childish
all of us very enjoyed in this 1 day genting trip
this is the last trip for ah lan kia n greg
coz they going oversea at august
good luck in future~
may god bless all of u~
stay turnned~
part 2 soon~